In NetSuite, situations involving the creation, updating, or deletion of hundreds or thousands of records—whether they be standard or custom records—occur frequently.

Here are several options we have:

1.) Creating a map/reduce script.
2.) Creating a scheduled script (SuiteScript 1.0 yielding)
3.) Creating a client script that handles a lot of searching/loading.

The question that comes up, though, is this: NetSuite gives us 1000 units of API governance, which are assigned to the client script; nevertheless, after utilizing those resources, we receive the SSS_USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED exception. How then can we implement the third method? To complete the aforementioned task and stop the SSS_USAGE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED exception, there is, in fact, a workaround. We may modify the context object’s getRemainingUsage() as follows:


nlapiGetContext().getRemainingUsage = function () { return 1000; }


This should resolve that pesky governance issue for your clients’ needs!


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